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By VW Swan (legacy user)31/8/2014 20:14Sun Aug 31 20:14:31 2014In response to Grammar

Views: 1943

Troy most people on this forum know who I am yet no regular fans know you as you hide behind both Nancy and Troy and after your sign in mistake the other day we know you are one. May I remind you that you called us "abhorrent and worse for wear" and never have we been nasty in reply. If you would like to make yourself known you would find us genuine Staines fans to actually be quite nice people.....

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Next article in this thread: Is he/she back? by Anonymous31/8/2014 21:28Sun Aug 31 21:28:46 2014

Previous thread: Great Pics from Saturday ... by Follow the Swans31/8/2014 20:08Sun Aug 31 20:08:59 2014view thread