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Dont blame the fans !

By Andrew67 (legacy user)5/10/2014 10:46Sun Oct 5 10:46:08 2014

Views: 2393

A club is nothing without the fans .

The Atmosphere at the home games is very flat to say the least. not helped by some very poor performances on the pitch.

Last seasons comments coming from the club during '' troy gate '' seemed to strain the situation further.

Fans at football clubs at all levels make sacrifices to attend football matches. whether its £60 to watch a premier league game or £12 at Non league games , money is money at the end of the day and it all adds up.
The songs that are sung at Wheatsheaf park and at away games are in know way offensive any comments directed at opposing players are always meant as ''banter'' and in the case of Sutton away a few weeks ago the opposing goalkeeper took some digs from us guys behind the goal, at the end of the game he came over and shook a couple of fans
hands and wished us well for the rest of the season.
If that's a badly behaved set of away supports then we have majorly over estimated the issues.

With the current state the clubs in , sitting bottom of the league and going in the wrong direction the fans deserve to be able to vent their frustration aslong as its within the realms of the ground rules.
And if the players and managers don't think we are entitled to do this then they are sadly mis guided

Maybe they need to take a look around the ground on home games and take in the fact that 99% of the fans are regulars and have supported the club through thick and thin and will be no doubt still be supporting the club when said players and manager have moved on .

Let the fans be fans ,

Anyway enough of my rubbish !!

And don't forget


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Next article in this thread: Re: Dont blame the fans ! by Danswan6/10/2014 09:50Mon Oct 6 09:50:02 2014

Previous thread: The gloom deepens by Andrew677/10/2014 22:26Tue Oct 7 22:26:18 2014view thread