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Ali C

By TorquayRob (legacy user)30/10/2014 23:15Thu Oct 30 23:15:51 2014In response to Re: Louie T departs

Views: 2720

Just one thing on Ali. He was ball greedy, stroppy and sometimes was only in it for himself. However, meet him off the pitch and he would talk to the fans and even had a sense of humour about his bad attitude.
I met him in the bar after we had played Sutton away and asked him why he was there and not playing for his club, Boreham Wood, that night. He said he had left. I said "Did you fall out with the manager again?" To which he indignantly replied "No!" before adding " I had a fight with the assistant!"

Torquay Rob

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Next article in this thread: Re: Ali C by John Blair31/10/2014 07:57Fri Oct 31 07:57:34 2014

Previous thread: Louie ''gone'' T by Andrew6729/10/2014 19:43Wed Oct 29 19:43:05 2014view thread