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Always a pleasure to visit Poole Town.

By gordon (legacy user)2/12/2014 09:02Tue Dec 2 09:02:05 2014

Views: 2711

Looking forward to our visit to Poole this evening. There have been signs in the last two games that we may indeed have turned the corner,lets hope for a big result tonight. Not missing Louis T now that we have a far better all round player in Elliot, add him to Max,Steph and Lodgy the chances of a bright finish to a dull day are pretty good.

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Next article in this thread: Re: Always a pleasure to visit Poole Town. by SAGE2/12/2014 10:11Tue Dec 2 10:11:38 2014

Previous thread: Poole away by Andrew673/12/2014 12:09Wed Dec 3 12:09:44 2014view thread