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Re: Reality Check

By Dom weir (legacy user)11/12/2014 20:15Thu Dec 11 20:15:39 2014In response to Reality Check

Views: 2704

I echo Dans comments, absolute heads gone. Biggest mistake of all was letting Angie go and then thinking youth/boys can compete with men 2nd.

Since Dave wheeler left, oh and jordaan, lets chuck in what was our best striker out and out theophanous. Could we add Ferrell to that, I know he was slow but he's better than what we have now. Feel ever so sorry for max and jack. Each game those two try so hard, max working his absolute heart out and no one is on his level in the squad apart from our keeper.

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Next article in this thread: Re: Reality Check by Danswan11/12/2014 20:48Thu Dec 11 20:48:38 2014

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