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Reality check

By Rebel Yeller (legacy user)12/12/2014 09:08Fri Dec 12 09:08:43 2014In response to Re: Reality Check

Views: 2591

And let's not forget that before the season started Swans announced a forward squad of Theophanous, Willock, Beadle and Brown, with Bassett as back up. Willock was really fourth choice as he was taking up coaching. Then, a couple of weeks into the season, Brown and Beadle were ditched ( money or ability - we don't know) so suddenly Swans only really had Louis up front. Only one forward equals not enough goals equals big trouble. Swans have played catch up ever since. Good forwards can win you games even if the defence is not top notch. No forwards and you've had it.

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Next article in this thread: Re: Reality check by Danswan12/12/2014 09:29Fri Dec 12 09:29:21 2014

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