Re: Am i the only person not able to get The Advertiser?
Views: 1897
Happy new year to you Gordon and Christine.-other than the STFC page you are not missing a lot.As a long time reader of the "old" Herald I am very disappointed with the first two copies. Very little coverage of news and whats on around Shepperton and Spelthorne. We are going to give it ago until end of this month-if no improvement then we plan to cancel .Great shame that the old paper has been so watered down and the focus is definitely on the greener areas of Surrey.
Best wishes to all
PS Catching up on the results of the last few weeks and totally amazed that we have not been able to add to our points tally-by the way what is the lowest points tally ever recorded in this league -could we become recordholders?
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Next article in this thread: Re: Am i the only person not able to get The Advertiser? by Steve McC3/1/2015 12:04Sat Jan 3 12:04:24 2015
Am i the only person not able to get The Advertis… by gordon3/1/2015 11:40Sat Jan 3 11:40:49 2015view thread
- Re: Am i the only person not able to get The Adve… by SAGe3/1/2015 12:42Sat Jan 3 12:42:23 2015
- Re: Am i the only person not able to get The Adve… by Steve McC3/1/2015 12:04Sat Jan 3 12:04:24 2015