Supporters Club Update
Views: 1258
Membership is fast approaching 50 which is half way towards our target of 100 member supporters which is great and thank you to those that have joined to date. Starting tomorrow evening & for the next few home games we will have a table just inside the turnstiles to try and reach out to those yet to join and to explain the aims & goals of the supporters club. For those unable to make these games then membership is online at and click "join us" then select the correct membership level and follow the simple instructions. Once the season gets underway we will hold a members meeting to discuss ideas & how our money should be spent as it is important all members play a role in reaching these decisions. We also have a preliminary date for the race night which is the evening of Saturday 24th October in the sports bar. We also plan to hold a Christmas raffle where the prizes will not be football related and there are also early discussions about a sponsored walk to an away game although looking at the fixture list it will probably have to wait to be Kingstonian away (all 10.3 miles!) on Sunday 17th April where 50% of the money raised would go to a nominated charity and the balance to the supporters club funds.
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4 people
Supporters Club Update by V W Swan20/7/2015 12:37Mon Jul 20 12:37:51 2015
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