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By John Blair16/8/2015 12:58Sun Aug 16 12:58:18 2015In response to Re: PLAYER SPONSORSHIP

Views: 1535

Player/Management sponsorships priced at £60 each went on sale yesterday , and thankyou to everybody that agreed to take out this form of sponsorship.
I managed to get sponsors for 14 of the first team squad , along with sponsors for all 6 of the coaching/medical staff.
This leaves 6 of the squad currently unsponsored - these being:-

Ahmed Abdulla
Aaron Okuleye
Callum McAllister
Prince M'Bengui
Chace O'Neill
Harry Churchill.

If anybody would like to sponsor any of the above , come and see me at any of the next 3 home games.

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Next article in this thread: Re: PLAYER SPONSORSHIP UPDATE by John Blair19/8/2015 18:19Wed Aug 19 18:19:16 2015

Previous thread: Farnborough by V W Swan20/8/2015 13:49Thu Aug 20 13:49:45 2015view thread