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STFC Race Night - Sat 24th October 7pm - Sports Bar

By V W Swan25/9/2015 13:14Fri Sep 25 13:14:04 2015

Views: 1323

We have organised a race night to be held in the Sports Bar on Saturday 24th October with doors open from 7pm. Entry is by ticket only priced at £10.00 to include hot food on the night. It would be great if you could all support the club and also try to sell tickets to friends and family who might be interested in coming along to what should be a fun evening.

Tickets are available from John Blair, Clive Stevens, David Brown or myself.

There will be 8 races and each race is available to sponsor at a cost of £25.00 per race with 5 sponsors already agreed so far. You can also own a horse at a cost of £2.00 per horse per race and of course place a bet on any horse in any race. There are cash prizes for the winning horse (provided you placed a bet on it!) as well as some great owner prizes as well.

We look forward to seeing you all on the night

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Next article in this thread: Re: STFC Race Night - Sat 24th October 7pm - Sports Bar by V W Swan28/9/2015 18:20Mon Sep 28 18:20:13 2015

Previous thread: FA Cup, Finnish Cup and a bit of Ryman ... by Follow the Swans28/9/2015 17:28Mon Sep 28 17:28:46 2015view thread