Small steps
Views: 1709
The road to recovery can be hard .. people always recommend taking small steps.
Last night was the start of the team taking small steps to get the season back on track .
Stability and confidence comes from winning .
I guess you can say " we should be beating teams like this" but given the previous form & results last night's game had " banana skin" written all over it .
On the pitch the team selected showed better desire and the 3-0 scoreline flattered us .
Tommy Brewer needs to stay as captain . No disrespect to Jack or Joe. .in my opinion Tommy is the the natural choice. .
On what could only be described as a frosty night the turnout was good and we the fans left happier ..
Onto Hendon. . Add o'Neil back into the squad with prince and Jack Bennett plus hopefully Gough we should look to winning .
Don't forget small steps .......
And don't forget
" it's all swings and roundabouts "
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Next article in this thread: Re: Small steps by Yorkie Dave20/1/2016 11:14Wed Jan 20 11:14:40 2016
Small steps by Andrew6720/1/2016 10:19Wed Jan 20 10:19:43 2016
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- Re: Small steps by Yorkie Dave20/1/2016 11:14Wed Jan 20 11:14:40 2016
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- Re: Small steps by Follow the Swans20/1/2016 16:34Wed Jan 20 16:34:16 2016
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- Re: Small steps by John Blair20/1/2016 21:05Wed Jan 20 21:05:22 2016
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