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Re: Message board

By Rebel Yeller17/10/2016 14:37Mon Oct 17 14:37:49 2016In response to Re: Message board

Views: 2254

I too would be sorry to see the forum go. I don't get to every game and look to forums like this to get an independent view, but that seems to have disappeared. Perhaps as "Follow The Swans" posts on here, many think it is an official organ and as such are reluctant to put in their two pennyworth.

Last season the budget the club had meant that it spent most of the season in the bottom half. As Hippolyte said at the start of the season that the budget should be good enough for a top ten finish i think we can assume that funds are much the same this season. The departure of Louis feels like an attempt to free up some dosh - I don;t suppose he came cheap. Let's hope that the team doesn't follow a similar pattern to last term - the Maidenhead result shows it can be done.

Alas at this level of football, thems with the money are usually the ones who do well. That's just how it is.

Big game against Bognor tomorrow, who could go top with a win.

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Next article in this thread: Re: Message board by finbarr_in_z25/10/2016 18:14Tue Oct 25 18:14:37 2016

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