Yesterdays game.
Views: 1354
A great hard fought game ruined by an referee who in my opinion needs re-testing. He was so inconsistent that their right back was still on the park at the end of the game. He was on a yellow and the was pulled twice more for fowls that were worthy of a yellow but only got a talking to. Cash was given a yellow for diving, even their keeper admitted it should have been a penalty, but Mr. I'm in charge wouldn't listen. Both sides were getting so frustrated with the ref that 2 players started fighting and that brought a free for all, and resulted in two red cards.
Full marks to Staines they kept playing and earned their 3 points. It is officials like those who complain about the abuse that is hurled at them that need to question their own capabilities.
I feel better after that rant, lets hope its better tomorrow.
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Yesterdays game. by scouser16/4/2017 11:38Sun Apr 16 11:38:38 2017view thread
- Re: Yesterdays game. by V W Swan16/4/2017 12:59Sun Apr 16 12:59:16 2017