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Times they are changing-circa Bob Dylan

By Norm22/6/2018 20:48Fri Jun 22 20:48:29 2018

Views: 1175

Certainly enjoyed the presentation from the new team in place owning the club. Certainly think we are lucky to find new owners who have the enthusiasm and love of sport who have a very clear view and business plan to take our club forward.
They convinced me that they understood the legacy of Alan Boon and how important the club meant to him and how lucky we were that his son took on the club after his passing and continued the family support over the last few years .

I am first to admit that I wondered what the future held for the club -however, I think that it will be a very exciting journey over the next few years. Hope we all get engaged with the new regime and contribute in what ever way we can .
best wishes to all

Edited by Norm at 20:49:19 on 22nd June 2018

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Next article in this thread: Re: Times they are changing-circa Bob Dylan by John Blair22/6/2018 22:28Fri Jun 22 22:28:56 2018

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