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Re: Results Don’t Lie

By scouser26/11/2018 14:58Mon Nov 26 14:58:17 2018In response to Re: Results Don’t Lie

Views: 1345

Yes there has been things that have happened that have been out of the new owners hands and I believe Mathew has had a hand in them, namely the losing of the sports bar, and if that is so then that shows how much respect he has of what his father did for the club. I just find it all saddening, it seem as though the new owners have been set up to fail and why? All this should be about the good of"Staines Football Club", but it looks as though it is not. I would like to know what people are trying to get out of all this.

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Next article in this thread: Re: Results Don’t Lie by Follow the Swans26/11/2018 16:27Mon Nov 26 16:27:28 2018

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