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Another new manager

By Norm27/11/2018 16:19Tue Nov 27 16:19:55 2018

Views: 1288

The appointments are getting stranger and stranger......................what are they on ?

Guess that no experienced manager will take the job on due to such a small budget together with not having total control over player recruitment.

Ah well we can now add Silkman on to the list of ex pros who have arrived at the club in recent years .

Very good news to see Bill Baker back at the ground looking well after his operation......welcome back Bill. Fancy being manager ? I reckon it will be your turn sometime after christmas.

Best wishes to all


Edited by Norm at 16:21:07 on 27th November 2018

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Next article in this thread: Re: Another new manager by Beastman190028/11/2018 12:46Wed Nov 28 12:46:58 2018

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