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On The Positive Side

By DevonSwan13/12/2018 13:45Thu Dec 13 13:45:01 2018

Views: 1115

I know that it is difficult to find something positive in our current situation, but one thing I have noticed over the last few months is the increasing traffic on this forum; which had all but 'died' in recent years. The posts on here have shown that there are an awful lot of people who care about our great Club.
I have been supporting the Swans now for 48 years and will be going to Frome on Saturday with my fellow Devon Swans. Yes, I am dreading what the result may be, but I wouldn't miss it for the World because I care about the Club.
Like many I am frustrated by the lack of news from the owners and find it difficult to understand what their motives are - if the situation is as dire as it looks then we as supporters would like to know because until then we can't do anything about it.
All we can do as supporters is to keep supporting the Swans, and you never know, there may be a light at the end of a very dark tunnel.

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Next article in this thread: Re: On The Positive Side by John Blair13/12/2018 17:34Thu Dec 13 17:34:42 2018

Previous thread: Tanasheh Abrahams by John Blair10/12/2018 16:58Mon Dec 10 16:58:35 2018view thread