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By Stainesloyal28/12/2018 16:47Fri Dec 28 16:47:17 2018In response to Re: NYD

Views: 1648

I thought Matthew Boon still had a 20% Share ownership in the club ?
If so he has been very quiet and absent from the club. I would have thought he would step forward and mediate between STFC & The Thames Club with the current apparent infighting that is going on ... Especially as his sister works there. Otherwise the Thames Club may get their way and squeeze the football club out completely. It is us fans that are feeling the full force of this fallout.

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Next article in this thread: Re: NYD by Beastman190028/12/2018 17:29Fri Dec 28 17:29:12 2018

Previous thread: What do the owners actually own? by Swan8/1/2019 22:41Tue Jan 8 22:41:29 2019view thread