Views: 1172
I can honestly say I was not fishing as I think by now most supporters must have a good idea about the primary issues involved if not the detail.I was hoping that it could stimulate some debate and give supporters a chance to be pro active and put forward some ideas of how the club can move forward and how supporters could help in the rebuilding -all seems doom and gloom at moment and anything to lighten the situation must be good..
What concerns me, is that we were led to believe, when all this silliness started in the Autumn, the matter could be resolved relatively quickly -did not happen. Is it going to be 2 weeks,2 months, or 2 years till a conclusion.
I simply think that we should now be putting in place the building blocks for next season- on and off the pitch ..Look around the other clubs who were with us in the league.
Hendon-launched a week ago the 12th man scheme for next season, Target £16,000, over £3,000 already pledged.
Gosport-New manager appointed .
Tiverton -New management structure announced.
Chesham-supporters ground working party starts 18 May.
Frome, Farnborough etc friendly matches arranged.
and of course teams being reshaped etc etc.................
Not earth shattering but positives and hooks for supporters to hang onto .
Edited by Norm at 21:26:59 on 13th May 2019
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Next article in this thread: Re: LETS JUST IMAGINE FOR ONE MOMENT......... by Stainesloyal14/5/2019 14:41Tue May 14 14:41:54 2019
LETS JUST IMAGINE FOR ONE MOMENT......... by Norm11/5/2019 04:07Sat May 11 04:07:23 2019view thread
- Re: LETS JUST IMAGINE FOR ONE MOMENT......... by scouser12/5/2019 11:57Sun May 12 11:57:47 2019
- Re: LETS JUST IMAGINE FOR ONE MOMENT......... by STFCfan11/5/2019 22:19Sat May 11 22:19:07 2019
- Re: LETS JUST IMAGINE FOR ONE MOMENT......... by Norm13/5/2019 21:18Mon May 13 21:18:38 2019
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- Re: LETS JUST IMAGINE FOR ONE MOMENT......... by Stainesloyal14/5/2019 14:41Tue May 14 14:41:54 2019
- Re: LETS JUST IMAGINE FOR ONE MOMENT......... by Norm17/5/2019 15:31Fri May 17 15:31:12 2019
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