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Re: 2019/2020 Season

By scouser24/5/2019 23:21Fri May 24 23:21:51 2019In response to 2019/2020 Season

Views: 1299

Norm, you remind me of a child on a car journey, are we there yet, i need to go to the toilet, are we there yet, i have lost count of how many times you have been told there is no info whilst the court case is pending. You are not dolng the club any favours with your insistance for answers that can not be given until the court case is over, so dont you think its time you stepped back and waited without trying to stir up trouble.

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Next article in this thread: Re: 2019/2020 Season by Torquayrob23/5/2019 08:07Thu May 23 08:07:03 2019

Previous thread: Updated Pre Season Friendlies by V W Swan8/6/2019 17:13Sat Jun 8 17:13:52 2019view thread