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By Arthur13/1/2020 08:48Mon Jan 13 08:48:35 2020In response to THE REAL PROBLEM AT STAINES

Views: 3566

This is very interesting to people like me - accountants. However, I am an accountant who is also a football supporter - a season ticket holder at Staines Town FC. The supporters have always afforded the current owner the time and space to air his views. He was part of the team of 4 that took the club over from the Boon family. Having told us of his plans for the club, none of which seem even to be a speck on the horizon, he has been silent ever since. The latest example would be the sacking of Mahrez. His record at the time of his departure was winning 4, drawing 1 and losing 1 of his last 6 games. He was given an award of performance of the month ...... and the sack. However, it was not just that, we lost the basis of a side that were starting to compete at this level. The Chairman could arrange to meet the supporters face to face; write a reasoned article in the programme; or just communicate via the supporters club. He remains silent and aloof - giving rise to the Brian Clough description of what the average football director knows about football. To achieve success as a football club, there needs to be investment - not just financial. There was a lot of hard work done pre-season to get the ground ready. There is a lot of ongoing voluntary work from loyal supporters on a regular basis. The fans are giving their investment ........

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Next article in this thread: Re: THE REAL PROBLEM AT STAINES by Wakes13/1/2020 19:34Mon Jan 13 19:34:29 2020

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