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By Cherseyboy6425/1/2020 13:32Sat Jan 25 13:32:03 2020In response to Re: THE REAL PROBLEM AT STAINES

Views: 3032

You are correct they did lose £147k on last years income statement. But what you are ignoring here are two fundamental things, changes in equity which allows them to inject further capital into the business as well as loan financing.

I would like you to answer how they are losing £147k but in the same year satisfied a £3m loan. It is clear millions of pounds are going into this business annually and are disappearing.

I would invite you to look at who is the person of significant control in RFL and who is the chairman of The Thames Club and was also previously the person of significant control in The Thames Club.

Downing does not have 5 Investors , Maybe you are completely unaware of how a VC structure works. The Thames Club has been part of various
Downing portfolios and funds which have been packaged and sold to retail investors, this again is publicly available information.

There is nothing libellous in reporting facts Allen, maybe it would be wise to try to look a little bit further than the end of your nose, Although I do not believe these accounts are in any way difficult to understand…..

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Next article in this thread: Re: THE REAL PROBLEM AT STAINES by allen b25/1/2020 16:02Sat Jan 25 16:02:29 2020

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