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By allen b25/1/2020 20:26Sat Jan 25 20:26:51 2020In response to Re: THE REAL PROBLEM AT STAINES

Views: 2965

The facts speak for themselves, I do not need to go into history and I do not need to resort to personal insults.

- Losses have not been "literally millions every single year"

- Downing LLP appear to have an interest in the success of the club and are supporting it and from what you say they appear to be succeeding.

- No small investors money has been invested in the Thames Club for the past two years and if any was in the past I have no reason to think that any losses have been incurred.

- It is not unusual for an investor to have representatives on a company board, you appear to see this as sinister, I regard it as normal,.

- You allege that money is being transferred to people who run the Thames Club, this is untrue, fees are charged by other group companies, as is perfectly normal, there is no evidence to suggest that any one individual has benefited

- There is not one fact in your latest post, it is just a personal attack on me.

- As regards defamation, I have shown that your statements are incorrect, I am therefore cannot be guilty of defamation

I think this politely covers all points

Edited by allen b at 20:27:13 on 25th January 2020

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Next article in this thread: Re: THE REAL PROBLEM AT STAINES by Cherseyboy6425/1/2020 21:16Sat Jan 25 21:16:51 2020

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