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By Eggyjamesfanclub28/1/2020 11:42Tue Jan 28 11:42:06 2020In response to Re: THE REAL PROBLEM AT STAINES

Views: 2900

Out of interest who do you blame for the current state of affairs ? As we know a long chain of events has lead us into this period, these things don't just happen overnight and i'm fed up of people instantly just blaming the current ownership because it's easy. Maybe people should actually come down and see for themselves how hard the volunteers and staff at the club work, it's easy sitting behind a PC and blaming A B C ... Maybe people should actually put their money where their mouth is and pay to come into games rather than watching it from the bar windows for free.

Due Diligence has been mentioned a fair bit in this thread, this was surely completed as is protocol with any purchase. I bet the due diligence included the bar profits under the original rental agreement.

The biggest factor for me was the TC pulling the rental agreement with the bar.

The Bar intake was surely a huge part of the income made by the club and the Thames Club cancelled this overnight.

Don't you think Matthew Boon should have put an agreement in place with the Thames Club and actually secured the clubs future before he left ? Yes the family and his hard work has been second to none over their tenure but it seems he upped sticks and left immediately. If he cared that much he would have used his good relationship with the Thames Club and put some longer term agreements in place.

The Thames club want to push the football club out, They have dried a major source of income and continue to make things difficult.

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Next article in this thread: Re: THE REAL PROBLEM AT STAINES by Stainesloyal30/1/2020 13:19Thu Jan 30 13:19:53 2020

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