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By Arthur19/2/2020 19:47Wed Feb 19 19:47:49 2020

Views: 1243

Having been to the last two away games. In the first we surrendered a two goal lead; and in the second we could have played for a further 24 hours and still not sc ore, I am wondering if I am the bad luck charm (some charm!!!!)> I won't be going to any more away games ..... I will still come to the home games I have seen us win at home, but not under the present safe pair of hands signed to bring us success????? Even yesterday he came off the pitch arguing about a handball not given instead of using the hairdryer treatment on players who seemed not to know each other, lacked pace and seemed less fit than the opposition. Here's hoping for better times to come with or without me.

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Next article in this thread: Re: Promise by gregs20/2/2020 10:33Thu Feb 20 10:33:47 2020

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