Supporting a football club is a bit like having children
Views: 1060
When you choose to have a child you never know how things will turn out.
Will your child aspire to be the best and end up top of his class or will things turn out differently.
Will your child make you proud or will they drive you into despair.
Anybody who is a parent will know what i mean.
Supporting a football club is in some ways similar.
When you choose to support a football club you want them to win every game , win every trophy and be the best.
In other words you want them to make you proud of the fact that they were the team you chose to support.
If your child does things you don't like and gets into trouble do you turn your back on them or do you stand by them and offer support and try and get them back on the right track ?
If your football club has a bad spell , like many clubs at every level have had , do you turn your back on them or do you stand by them and offer support and try and get them back on the right track ?
I , for one , will not turn my back on the club that i have supported since August 1970 , even though watching STFC is not a pleasant experience at times.
I , for one , want things to improve sooner rather than later , but unlike a lot of people who have turned their back on the club I will be there when things start to improve.
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Supporting a football club is a bit like having ch… by John Blair24/2/2020 17:22Mon Feb 24 17:22:04 2020view thread
- Re: Supporting a football club is a bit like havin… by Arthur24/2/2020 19:46Mon Feb 24 19:46:00 2020
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- Re: Supporting a football club is a bit like havin… by Arthur25/2/2020 23:08Tue Feb 25 23:08:08 2020