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Re: Thames Club Finances

By Surreysage (Norm)15/4/2020 14:18Wed Apr 15 14:18:03 2020In response to Thames Club Finances

Views: 1052

A very good question Gregs and one every business in every sector must be asking themselves.

I hope they are all working up plan A, plan B, plan C, and plan D etc in anticipation of life normalising -which I believe will happen in stages, slowly over a long period.-all big unknowns. I hope the football club and supporters club are also going through the same planning process.

Certainly the Thames Club have stopped taking the monthly membership fees which must have been the bedrock of their income.

From what I understand relations were still non existent -not good idea for landlord/ tenant -but who knows may be this horrible situation facing the country/world may allow both parties to see sense, draw a line under the past and move forward in a mature and sensible way. After all disputes over money/contracts are very trivial compared to life /death situations so many brave people and families are having to face.

The ongoing issues I assume include the "second court case" - there were at least 3 different versions of what this was all about doing the rounds .Guess we may or may never hear the truth about this .My hope is that all this silliness stops , the manger for the next season is confirmed, and all partiess concerned can start working (albeit on paper ) towards a new season of hope and stability.

Stay safe

PS Gregs -I think I may know your dad -he was a carpenter who worked for a local garden centre and has recenly move out to the "country"

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