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A lovely Present

By Arthur15/5/2020 08:54Fri May 15 08:54:52 2020

Views: 892

Good afternoon everyone

Following the premature end to the season I hope that everybody is in good health and has not been too badly impacted by the UK Government lockdown.

It is important to start by thanking all the staff, players, volunteers , the supporters club and our fans for their support and commitment to the club during the 2019/20 season.

Like all Football Clubs at every level of British and European football the current situation will have a significantly negative impact on us and we like everybody else would greatly appreciate any support that our local community can offer us whilst at the same time realising and understanding that things are both tight and uncertain economically for local people.

Having said that Staines Town Football Club is in a fairly unique position in that for the last two seasons we have had very little income and have modelled our finances and made provisions accordingly, whilst separately investing in areas that we hope will give us long term security. As a result of these provisions and our focus on the long term I am confident that we will overcome the current difficulties that all clubs are now facing.

With regards to next season we are very much in the dark in terms of dates and have to be guided by the League and the FA as to when they believe it will be appropriate for us to start. As soon as this becomes clearer news relating to our preparations will be available to supporters.

Our groundsman Steve Honey who did a brilliant job for us last season has already begun preparations on the pitch and the extended lay off should mean that it will be in excellent condition come the start of the new season, as you can see from the attached picture taken earlier today.

Finally I hope that everybody has as good a summer as possible under the circumstances and look forward to welcoming you back to Wheatsheaf Park for the start of the new season whenever that may be.

Joe Dixon


This was my morning gift when I logged on this morning. I have to say thank you to the Chairman for indicating that our club are in a good position to ensure a football future at Wheatsheaf Park. I am not sure about his comments regarding a club with very little income. I agree there has ben no sponsorship, nor is there likely to be any in the near future. However, to get a return on any business, including a football club, there needs to be an adequate level of investment. That is not what we havee really had, except for a brief period when Mahrez was manager, and more recently with the current manager (I do find it difficult to call him Barnesy - just an age thing!!). All I ask is a team that is competitive at whatever level it is playing ....... my ambitions currently would be to look at National League South ...... this would give us bigger crowds, more income and putting us "back where we belong". A couple of good cup runs would be the icing on the cake.

So a qualified thank you to the Chairman; maybe I will see you all again soon; but most importantly stay safe and keep well.

Take care, Come on you Swans

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Next article in this thread: Re: A lovely Present by Surreysage16/5/2020 00:25Sat May 16 00:25:59 2020

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