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Re: A lovely Present

By Arthur17/5/2020 14:38Sun May 17 14:38:09 2020In response to Re: A lovely Present

Views: 780

If this is true then I am very sad. The only way for any organisation, let alone football club, to succeed is to hear all points of view, - the good, the bad, and the ugly. It should never be on dictate from the top saying its my way or the highway. The very basis of universal suffrage is that no one persons view is more important than another. We are all entitled to our own views, and by airing those views we come to a consensus way forward. In tis instance all we want is to enjoy watching a competitive game of football together. We will almost certainly not always agree on the Man of the Match or even agree on relative player performances, but we 3enjoy listening to each others views and enjoy the games - and hopefully the results. COYS

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Next article in this thread: Re: A lovely Present by Surreysage17/5/2020 19:01Sun May 17 19:01:44 2020

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