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Silly quiz question

By swanstuff28/5/2020 14:38Thu May 28 14:38:47 2020

Views: 2018

There is a sequence of Staines Town First Team players, dating back to 1904, for which the following is the end of the sequence:

111. Steve Beeks
112. Derek Walters
113. John Gasson
114. Paul Lucas
115. Simon Pentland
116. Mark Fleming
117. Darren Anderson
118. Justin Mitchell
119. Phil Grainger
120. Joe O'Shea
121. Kelly Phillips
122. Mark Butler
123. Steve Battams
124. Glen Nunkoo
125. Roy Cruse
126. Jamie Finnan
127. Dean Yates
128. Charley Carter
129. Gavin Harrison
130. Richard Butler
131. Craig Maskell
132. Robin Shroot

Can anyone guess what that sequence represents?

Edited by swanstuff at 14:39:10 on 28th May 2020

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