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Re: Silly quiz question

By swanstuff31/5/2020 17:17Sun May 31 17:17:34 2020In response to Re: Silly quiz question

Views: 1761

Hi Norm

I feel your pain, but sadly it will have to endure a bit longer - your latest guess was incorrect.

To summarise:

Hi Norm

No, it's not that either I'm afraid, although a number of them did represent Middlesex at various levels.

Keep the guesses coming. I like the question because I believe it is something that can actually be worked out,,,

To summarise -

Players to have played for Staines Town and Wimbledon - nope
Outfield players who've deputised in goal - nope
Players who've scored in a Middlesex Cup final - no - but that's the best guess so far.
Players who were selected to represent Middlesex - no
England Schoolboys players - no

I will give you one direct clue, and then perhaps you will also allow me to concentrate the mind a little on a few salient points.

The direct clue is that no other teams or clubs were involved: not Wimbledon, or the Middlesex or England Schools rep sides, for example.

The "pointers" -
> You may remember that Steve Cordery ceased to be our manager at the end of the season in which Alan Boon passed away, ie 2011/12, and that Craig Maskell - his player/assistant manager - departed at the same time. Craig's is the last-but-one name on the list.
> Supporters with long memories might know that Steve Beeks had about 5 years with us (give or take a few months), from 1992 to 1996.
> So even if you do not remember Robin Shroot, you will realise that this list been added to no more than once in the last 8 years, even though it was quite active in the 20 years before that
> STFC was founded in 1892, but did not play in every season since then (the war years, for example). However, in the 120 years between 1892 and 2012, the sequence had some 130 entries. We are not, therefore, talking about something that happens once a season.
> Two of the players mentioned above, Beeks and Maskell, are "household names" in the STFC canon, as are pretty much all of them from 111 to 123. After that, there's something of a mixture, with celebrated players like Gavin Harrison and Richard Butler rubbing shoulders with lesser-known ones such as those at numbers 124 to 128.
> I mentioned in the preamble that this is a First Team question, so don't be sidetracked by thoughts of the Reserve or U18 teams.

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