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Think I’ve (almost) cracked it!

By Wakes6/6/2020 10:31Sat Jun 6 10:31:17 2020In response to Re: Silly quiz question

Views: 1658

These are all players who have scored in a cup final, excluding the Middx senior cup (for whatever reason). The long list of players who played under Basher all scored in the penalty shootout win over Borehamwood in 95, can’t remember name of cup may have been AC Delco? but was played at Harrow Borough. The other cups include Middx Charity and Southern Combination, probably others which I cannot remember names of...

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Next article in this thread: Re: Think I’ve (almost) cracked it! by swanstuff8/6/2020 20:37Mon Jun 8 20:37:37 2020

Previous thread: Thames Club Finances by gregs15/4/2020 12:47Wed Apr 15 12:47:13 2020view thread