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Re: I don’t get this forum....

By STFCfan10/6/2020 10:31Wed Jun 10 10:31:40 2020In response to I don’t get this forum....

Views: 1484

I’ve taken the time to watch the videos and digest it before posting here, and I stress the importance of watching the videos before coming to any opinions of the situation. I think there is clear evidence the club have been taken advantage of and the Thames club and downing have serious answers to give, more so I would not be a happy downing investor if I knew there was a clear conflict of interest, I certainly wouldn’t want my money invested in an organisation with £3m+ of losses and where the chairman of the Thames club clearly has ties to the downing shareholders. This is probably the biggest news to happen to the club for ages so please take the time to watch it and comment, share on social media and obtain the attention of Kwasi Kwarteng MP. The more the awareness gets raised the better. Let’s give Joe some credit here, in the past there has been criticism of a lack of news and awareness of what is going on. This clearly spells out the struggles the club have gone through due to mainly reasons outside of the clubs control, such as a landlord unwilling to follow the terms of the lease.

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Next article in this thread: Re: I don’t get this forum.... by Swanforanhour10/6/2020 00:51Wed Jun 10 00:51:41 2020

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