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Re: I don’t get this forum....

By Surreysage (Norm)10/6/2020 11:00Wed Jun 10 11:00:48 2020In response to Re: I don’t get this forum....

Views: 1362

Hi VW -thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

Guessing here-has this video been put out because the "second legal case" never happened due to lack of proper legal evidence and Joe is now looking to people power.

Prior to Joe Dixon taking over the club there were no such problems and an arrangement had been made with the Thames club which allowed STC to run the bar and keep the profits.The club rooms were also available. Joe would have been aware of this when buying the club.

Not always sure airing your dirty washing in public is the way forward, indeed in some cases it inflames the situation and normally in landlord/tennant situations there is only one winner.

However I will look through the information ,talk to a few people from both sides who have alot more facts of the situation and then think about the way forward
take care

Edited by Norm at 11:02:13 on 10th June 2020
Edited by Norm at 11:05:54 on 10th June 2020

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Next article in this thread: Re: I don’t get this forum.... by Swanforanhour10/6/2020 11:14Wed Jun 10 11:14:15 2020

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