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Re: Save Staines Town FC - Important Club Statement

By Voicefromthepast11/6/2020 16:41Thu Jun 11 16:41:34 2020In response to Save Staines Town FC - Important Club Statement

Views: 1853

All a bit ironic the Football Club wants to buy back the land which it owned up until the Thames Club was developed to secure it's future! I was always under the impression that when planning consent was granted to redevelop the ground it was subject to a legal agreement (section 106 agreement) that covenanted that the football pitch and associated facilities could only ever be used by Staines Town Football Club so I'm not sure that the Thames Club could kick STFC out even if they wanted, which by what I have read, appears to be the case.

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Next article in this thread: Re: Save Staines Town FC - Important Club Statement by Eggyjamesfanclub11/6/2020 16:50Thu Jun 11 16:50:36 2020

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