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Re: Multi million pound offer.......

By anski21/12/2020 16:05Mon Dec 21 16:05:45 2020In response to Multi million pound offer.......

Views: 1161

First time poster. Not a fan of any specific club just enjoy football and have been to Wheatsheaf Lane many times.

This I see as very worrying. You say that a multi million£ offer has been made for a piece if land that can only be used for football.

Do you really think any company/individual would just buy some land for £ millions so that some amateur footballers can use it twice a week? Why would they? What is the benefit to them? Unless they are extremely rich Staines Town fans and if they were they would surely have come out of the woodwork way before now.

I have though ever since Mr Boon sold the club that it was likely to be developed for housing. Particularly so when I saw that some of the investors who have now moved on were from I think China or Hong Kong? So clearly they have a real emotional tie to Staines Town FC. I do not know the people but it seems possible to me they were in it for a quick turn and when that did not occur they moved on.

I work as a consultant in new build planning applications and I can assure you flood issues can be mitigated by construction methods with flood risks in mind. The local authority have targets to hit for new build homes and a development on a site of this size would be looked at very favourably.

I agree there will be many concerns from existing residents but they rarely succeed in stopping planning- they often reduce the number of units but that is about it in 90% of cases.

Look on google maps at the amount of land behind the ground and large gardens on some of the houses further along Penton Hook Road.

I am given to understand that some of the people who own some of this land have been approached to see if they are interested in selling. I know someone who owns a piece of said land which is how I am aware.

People involved in housing development are often prepared to wait for years to put a scheme together.

I would be concerned and far from happy.

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Next article in this thread: Re: Multi million pound offer....... by Arthur21/12/2020 19:29Mon Dec 21 19:29:40 2020

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