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20/21 Season

By Surreysage (Norm)24/12/2020 12:18Thu Dec 24 12:18:25 2020

Views: 841

With the prospect of an early restart looking gloomier by the day -any thoughts on how this season could be concluded.
Very little chance in my view of fulfilling fixtures by official end date -therefor think it best to abandon this season and restart 21/22 in August as normal ( god willing).

Most important that players,officials and supporters are kept safe without temtation to push the guidelines

Friendlies could be arranged from next restart to official end of 20/21 season.

Edited by Norm at 12:36:23 on 24th December 2020

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Next article in this thread: Re: 20/21 Season by John Blair24/12/2020 20:53Thu Dec 24 20:53:43 2020

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