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Re: Multi million pound offer.......

By Arthur5/1/2021 08:38Tue Jan 5 08:38:23 2021In response to Re: Multi million pound offer.......

Views: 978

We have been over this before. You'd better go back to easting your vegetarian sausage rolls. The points really are that the chairman has promised football at Wheatsheaf Park in perpetuity. The aim, in the long term would be to make the club self sufficient. Money in, winning team, better crowds, more income, improve the team. The major problem at the ground would be a promotion to the National League when crowd segregation comes into place. However, even at that point, if we owned the freehold, the stands at either side of the pitch could be developed ........ As for any residential or commercial development .... Global warming has led to an increasing occurrence of flooding in our country. More specifically from the Thames in our area. Ask residents how frequently they get flood warnings now, and compare that with how many times five years ago. the laws now are that residents go after the developer, and if they no longer exist, the council carry the can. Sadly our council do not have Avery good track record over property at present and to open themselves to potential flooding claims would be madness. Flood diversion down river doesn't work - see Chertsey plains after diversions were put into place at Windsor. This leaves very expensive (ultimately to a buyer, foundation protection for any development, including protection of the infrastructure as well as the properties. Then you have to look at the insurance companies and how likely they would be to look favourably on buildings insurance in a flood plain.

By all means spend your money as you see fit. However, the Thames Club appear to be late in filing their 2019 accounts. You can tell me the reasons but please let me know how you think their trading position for 2020 has been. Bearing in mind they have yet to make a profit since their foundation, let me know why on earth you would invest in the shares of the Thames Club. Whilst waiting for your answer, I'm going for a pastie.

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Next article in this thread: Re: Multi million pound offer....... by gregs5/1/2021 09:14Tue Jan 5 09:14:16 2021

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