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Re: Arthur

By gregs10/2/2021 15:51Wed Feb 10 15:51:28 2021In response to Re: Arthur

Views: 1038

Great points Norm. Alan was a fantastic chairman and that funding more often than not came out of his own pocket. Players loved him. You also need to remember what the place was like before the Thames Club and have to ask yourself at that time how much longer the club would have survived had he not done what he did. You can be sure that it had 100% of the club's best interests and future in mind. Sad that people have such short memories.
I cannot recall him asking the supporters to fund players wages - which I find difficult to understand now when there is apparently access to millions of pounds?

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Next article in this thread: Re: Arthur by John Blair10/2/2021 21:51Wed Feb 10 21:51:00 2021

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