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Re: Arthur

By Surreysage (Norm)11/2/2021 11:42Thu Feb 11 11:42:57 2021In response to Re: Arthur

Views: 972

Very good points well made Big bad swan.

However, Matthew was not a football man and from what I understand would have preferred the family connection could have ended with the sad death of his father - the club was his "baby".However one of his fathers last wishes was that he continued to do his best to support the club.

He honoured his promise for as long as he was able to do so, at a very difficult time , following his bereavement and
having to cope, it now appears, with severe business problems.

I think the club was very forunate to have the family support for so long and we do not do ourselves any favours by blaming current problems on them .

Again why did Paul Barnes leave when we were in such a good position-we should be told -so that we do not form assumptions from the various snippets that are emerging

Edited by Norm at 11:43:37 on 11th February 2021
Edited by Norm at 11:49:22 on 11th February 2021

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Next article in this thread: Re: Arthur by BigBadSwan11/2/2021 12:07Thu Feb 11 12:07:17 2021

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