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Re: Arthur

By BigBadSwan (Swandico)11/2/2021 12:07Thu Feb 11 12:07:17 2021In response to Re: Arthur

Views: 985

Hi Norm, Yes I agree and the Barnes decision was a weird one. But him moving a division down probably explains it was a financially motivated move.

I'm sorry but we will have to agree to disagree , the club started to drop in stature during his tenure and so did his own business leaving many people without jobs at short notice. No coincidence there.

The club was not operated correctly as a business and key members of the "board" were Matthews pals and not anyone that knew what to do in moments of crisis or even the day to day running of the football club.

I really think we need to move away from the "any criticism at previous owners is a direct attack on the boon legacy" People need to learn to accept responsibility and take criticism.

Look at Michelle for example... She currently works for the Thames Club but appears to offer absolutely no help to broker relations between the two parties. It would be beneficial for her as maybe people would start using the bar again (Thus improving her takings) Again... It shows you they do not know how to run a business properly.

I agree we cannot blame certain problems on them and the club was extremely fortunate to have the Boon family's support for a long time which is why I was so surprised they turned their back so quickly on the club.

The foundations of todays problems do stem from the previous owners , whilst they are not fully responsible they certainly put the club in a bad position when they left, the unexpected move to the southern league certainly didn't help.

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Next article in this thread: Re: Arthur by allen b11/2/2021 20:17Thu Feb 11 20:17:56 2021

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