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Re: Arthur

By Swan (Swan fan)11/2/2021 21:55Thu Feb 11 21:55:34 2021In response to Re: Arthur

Views: 938

So what exactly did Joe Dixon and his consortium purchase?

As has been said the club had debt and no assets except possibly a bag of balls and some training bibs?

What I’ve never really understood is that the consortium of high flying business men then uncovered some sort of financial dispute with the landlord that since seems to have prevented the club moving forwards or even standing still for that matter. All that seems to have been said is that the outcome of the Court case is awaited. Have I missed anything recently with regards to the Court case and any sort of ruling?

Very little official information seems to come from the club or it’s owner(s). We are told the owner(s) have made a multi million pound offer to buy the freehold but hasn’t been able to fund a playing budget. It seems a decent manager would rather drop down the pyramid to get away ASAP?

I feel for the genuine fans and dedicated volunteers but something doesn’t feel right about the current ownership. Are they keeping you in the dark and feeding bullshit I wonder?

Edited by Swan fan at 21:57:50 on 11th February 2021
Edited by Swan fan at 21:58:15 on 11th February 2021

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Next article in this thread: Re: Arthur by southstreetswan11/2/2021 21:11Thu Feb 11 21:11:05 2021

Previous thread: STFC Online Content by STFC_Media11/2/2021 18:50Thu Feb 11 18:50:29 2021view thread