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Re: Arthur

By Arthur11/2/2021 22:09Thu Feb 11 22:09:34 2021In response to Re: Arthur

Views: 917

I really think you need to check the historical records, the land was transferred through companies where the directors were Alaqn and Matthew. This formed the basis of my original comments. I have said I will apologise to Matthew if he feels wronged and can satisfactorily answer the questions. I have no doubt Alan had the club at his heart. I have joined the chants of Alan Boon' yellow and blue army on more than one occasion. I do not believe Alan ever envisaged that his actions would have put the club in the state we are in today. However, this is persisting in trying to cause division amongst the fans which does not benefit the club in any shape or form. We are where we are. There is only way out - that is to get behind Joe and the bid he has made. We need to ensure the Thames Club and Downings are permitted no other use for the land than as a football ground - this will include objections at Council Planning meetings, petitions etc. We then will need to hold Joe to his promise of long term football at Wheatsheaf Park until hopefully the club outgrows the stadium (I, personally, don't expect to see that day!!). Once the tenure is set, it is our job to make sure we have a competitive team in whichever league we are playing where the playing budget can be funded by sponsorships, attendances and other club income (such as the club shop, club garments, memorabilia and special functions. Let's stop the wrangling, it only helps the Thames Club to see divided loyalties. Let's accept the past, warts and all, as the past.v bWe need to get the club in a fit state to go forward

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Next article in this thread: Re: Arthur by southstreetswan11/2/2021 22:15Thu Feb 11 22:15:56 2021

Previous thread: STFC Online Content by STFC_Media11/2/2021 18:50Thu Feb 11 18:50:29 2021view thread