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Re: Arthur

By Arthur11/2/2021 22:53Thu Feb 11 22:53:59 2021In response to Re: Arthur

Views: 936

You are just like my dog ...... have to have the last word. If you really want to know about the past, firstly look at the Thames Club records - you don't need to be Max Whitlock to access the Thames Club; go to the Companies House records and look at the companies that included Alan Boon and Matthew boon as Directors. You may also like to see the list of Downings LLP directors and look at their other directorships. It will give you the information you have. Then, after you have washed your mouth out with soap and water, try talking and negotiating with Joe. The offer is on the table. It's a better return than you've given those investors you told to put money into the thames Club. Crawl back into your hole and leave your pseudonym behind as Voice From the past did when challenged

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Next article in this thread: Re: Arthur by southstreetswan12/2/2021 14:02Fri Feb 12 14:02:47 2021

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