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Re: Arthur

By southstreetswan12/2/2021 14:02Fri Feb 12 14:02:47 2021In response to Re: Arthur

Views: 892

Arthur you have a talking dog ? id sure like to see it Voicefromthepast is right we can only talk about facts


1. The present owner chairman or whatever he is is shit and doesnt care probably never has

2. The Boons sold the land with building permission

3. The Boons didnt build the Thames Club and didnt spend a penny on the development of the stadium

4. The lease that was given to the club is shit 'protection my arse'


1. Who made the money from the sale of the land? that was club money where did it go?

2. Why do people still like the Boons after what they have seem to have done to our football club?

DonT take my word for it check the facts its all there. don't know why people are scared to question the reason our club is fucked. NOT DIFFICULT.

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Next article in this thread: Re: Arthur by Surreysage12/2/2021 15:13Fri Feb 12 15:13:18 2021

Previous thread: STFC Online Content by STFC_Media11/2/2021 18:50Thu Feb 11 18:50:29 2021view thread