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Re: Mum's the word

By Surreysage (Norm)6/5/2021 09:34Thu May 6 09:34:23 2021In response to Re: Mum's the word

Views: 934

Please bear in mind that supporters may have been sending private notes to David thanking him for all his hard work over the last 6 years rather than posting on a public domain such as this.

Supporters need to be kept updated relating to the various ongoing issues around the club (and there are many ) during these long periods of absence from the ground. If not, is it little surprise that they drift away and loose interest in even contributing to the forum.

Why did we loose our last manager so quickly-how can we make sure the same circumstances are not repeated to avoid future managers taking the same pathway. Totally behind the new manager and I know supporters will be backing him to the hilt -surprised club owner has not added his voice to the welcome .

Stability and continuity with realistic financial support must be the building blocks if we are to progress and the club must be honest and open at all times ( good and bad) if they are to grow the fan base .

Best wishes

Parhaps when allowed we could have a supporters BBQand beer ,pitchside, to meet the new Chaiman and Manager

Edited by Norm at 09:38:35 on 6th May 2021

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Next article in this thread: Re: Mum's the word by Arthur7/5/2021 08:30Fri May 7 08:30:58 2021

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