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Re: Saturday

By Arthur16/9/2021 20:25Thu Sep 16 20:25:08 2021In response to Re: Saturday

Views: 780

Firstly, in defence of Joe, whilst he may spend a lot of time in the USA, for both personal and business reasons, he has never been one to shirk a fight. His league footballing pedigree would have had that instilled into him. He has sunk a lot of money into this club (personally I would say not enough on the pitch) but he has bought out those who originally invested with him. If he has given up on the club he would have given the shares he owns to the supporters club and walked away. I believe he still hasn't given up on the club and is continuing the non-footballing fight. I am still involved in that fight and will be upping the anti in the next fee days.

I am assuming the veiled reference to those sipping sangria in Southern Spain refers to the sale of football club property to third parties. As far as I am concerned Alan is not here to answer and I am still convinced that he had the best interests of the club at heart. I will never speak ill of the dead. However, his son does have questions to answer should he ever deign too appear at th club again. To try and unpick what was done is futile. However, I am much more concerned about those who sup spritzers in the shadow of St Pauls. If, as I truly believe, the council have correctly closed the door on any use for the land than existing use, accounting rules will be putting a great deal of pressure on the Thames Club, its directors and backers.

However, my wish is to be watching competitive football at Wheatsheaf Park, in the Dixon Stadium, for a long time - hopefully starting on Saturday. COYS

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