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Re: Saturday

By Wakes17/9/2021 10:05Fri Sep 17 10:05:40 2021In response to Re: Saturday

Views: 742

Those of us who are left and are actively keeping the club afloat I cannot praise highly enough, all are doing a magnificent job under very difficult circumstances. I wish I had more time on my hands to help them further, I am currently off work having put a Stanley blade through my hand hence all my posting on this forum.

I know for a fact I have ruffled a few feathers with what I’ve been saying but somebody has to say them. We have far too many sheep following the club frightened to say anything in fear of upsetting people hence me saying what everyone else is thinking.
My thoughts on the situation are only a reflection of what the club have given off, if there is no communication and a lot of secrecy going on then people will make their own judgements, Joe only has himself to blame on that matter and those are the signals he has given, we can only put 2 and 2 together and that is what we are left with. If Joe can keep us informed and reassure us that he is still involved and fighting for the club then I will eat a big slice of humble pie and apologise to him, he has yet to do that so I will just have to continue seeing it as it is coming across and at the moment it’s a real shit show. If anyone at the club can elaborate further then I’m sure every supporter is willing to listen and maybe start to no understand what is really going on behind the scenes….

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Next article in this thread: Re: Saturday by Stainesloyal17/9/2021 10:30Fri Sep 17 10:30:19 2021

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