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Re: Saturday

By Arthur17/9/2021 17:14Fri Sep 17 17:14:30 2021In response to Re: Saturday

Views: 730

Wakes, I was going to avoid any more replies to this thread, but Ben just called. I really can't be that nice because hen I told him you had put a stanley knife blade through your hand his first comment was: What did he do that for?" It's either the way I brought him up or the fact he spends his days in a PRU!!! He then did say he was sorry for you etc

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Next article in this thread: Re: Saturday by Wakes17/9/2021 18:22Fri Sep 17 18:22:30 2021

Previous thread: oops by Arthur12/9/2021 09:17Sun Sep 12 09:17:16 2021view thread