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Re: STFC Accounts

By Surreysage (Norm)7/10/2021 09:41Thu Oct 7 09:41:56 2021In response to Re: STFC Accounts

Views: 1068

Thanks for your thoughts Arthur but even though I do not have your accounting skills there is no proof to back up your take on the situation.
All I have done is comment on the accounts -not one comment about Dixon
The club has no employees -it states that in the accounts-so no wage/salary outgoings

There is no profit & loss details to backup your guess relating to the bills
Previous years account outgoings minnimal in camparison.

Tell me Arthur if a bank account is under the control of one signature is there anything to stop that signatory from making a payment into the account as aloan and then say drawing out a simmilar sum .

Should STFC bear costs relating to Dixonswish to buy the freehold -surely these costs should come out of his personal fund -The freehold would have been his property not that of STFC

With nothing to support the spend of £158,000 we can only make guesses about what has happened to the loaned money.What is certain is that STFC is now lumbered with huge debt.

Take care

Edited by Norm at 09:43:06 on 7th October 2021

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Next article in this thread: Re: STFC Accounts by Arthur7/10/2021 10:32Thu Oct 7 10:32:51 2021

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